by twadmin | Feb 14, 2012 | Art, Guns and Culture
True West editors pick their favorite Western music. DON EDWARDSThe Western Music Association (WMA) honored the great Don Edwards with the Best Traditional Western album for American. He includes some cowboy classics like “The Last Cowboy Song” and “The Campfire has...
by Shelly Dudley | Jan 10, 2012 | Western Books
Your must-have books on Arizona history! 1. Vanished Arizona: Recollections of the Army Life of a New England Woman by Martha Summerhayes Written by the wife of an Army officer stationed in Arizona from 1874-78, Vanished Arizona provides a clear picture of life on the...
by TW Editors | Jan 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
True West Magazine’s annual award given to towns that have made an important contribution to preserving their pasts and to sharing their town’s historical relevance to our nation. 10. GRAPEVINE, TX “We’ve got two gunfighters. Y’all want to buy them?” Mayor William D....
by Jana Bommersbach, Marshall Trimble and Bob Boze Bell | Jan 8, 2012 | Uncategorized
This place has always been majestic, awe-inspiring and dangerous. The people who came here, and continue to arrive, are strivers, connivers and survivors. What follows are some of the outrageous characters who made Arizona what it is today. What If They’d Had a John...
by twadmin | Dec 8, 2011 | Art, Guns and Culture
Here are the winners of our “2012 Best of the West.” Sit back and see if your pick made the list. BEST PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE WEST Jay Dusard Jay Dusard of Douglas, Arizona, is no stranger to the readers of True West as he has written about, and we have...