by Marsha Pfluger and Robin Gilliam-Crawford | Jan 1, 2006 | Features & Gunfights
An “uninhabitable wasteland.” That’s what Army explorer R.B. Marcy called the wilds of west Texas. Most folks took the captain at his word and avoided the area. But a few hardy souls, adventurers like Charles Goodnight, C.C. Slaughter and Burk Burnett, saw some...
by Frederick Nolan | Dec 1, 2005 | Features & Gunfights
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked the question: How come you Brits are so interested in the American West? And I know for a fact that the same question is asked of my German, Dutch, Italian, Swiss and even my Japanese friends. Obviously, we’ve all...
by Paul Andrew Hutton | Dec 1, 2005 | Inside History
The proud slayers of a huge grizzly are memorialized in one of the most famous photographs in all of Western history. By August 7, 1874, when the photo was taken by William H. Illingworth, Custer had already explored the fabled Black Hills, and his dispatches, carried...
by Jana Bommersbach | Nov 1, 2005 | Features & Gunfights
The most surprising thing about homosexuality in the Old West is not that it was rare in the rugged, macho world of the cowboy, but that it was so common and so not a big deal. That’s a complete...
by twadmin | Oct 1, 2005 | Art, Guns and Culture
Readers’ Choice – Here are the winners of our “2006 Best of the West.” Sit back and see if your pick made the list. Best Living Contemporary Western Artist Thom Ross This San Francisco native-turned-Seattle resident keeps pushing the envelope....