Death Rides a White-Faced Horse

Death Rides a White-Faced Horse

May 19, 1881 Curly Bill Brocius is holding court in Galeyville, Arizona, with his cow-boy cohorts. Jim Wallace, a veteran of the Lincoln County War, rides up on a chestnut horse with a white-striped face, dismounts and joins Brocius and friends on the porch of a...
West Texas in the Daylight

West Texas in the Daylight

All those years when I hung my hat in Dallas / Fort Worth, I told myself the best way to drive across West Texas was at night. I mean, what’s there to see in that godforsaken country? It’s flatter than a pancake and smells like Hereford feed lots. So, I’d leave the...
More Bucks and Other Changes

More Bucks and Other Changes

Peanut shells litter the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo’s “green room.” A minister prays with a young cowboy, preparing him for his bull ride. There’s a card game at one of the tables, while other cowboys work telephones and check gear. It’s a scene that could...
Frontier Women at Arms

Frontier Women at Arms

When Frank Butler loaded his guns at a fairground outside Cincinnati, Ohio, one spring day in 1881, the last thing in his thoughts was a legend about to be born. A professional exhibition shooter who counted himself among the best in the country, Butler was prepared...
Rodeo Flight School

Rodeo Flight School

Offspring of a Percheron stud and a Mexican hot-blood mare, the big black colt born on the Frank Foss ranch of Southeastern Wyoming may have lacked in looks, but he made up for it in stamina. He was three in 1899, when the Swan Land and Cattle Company bought the...