by Ken Amorosano | Oct 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
No two firearms in Old West history stand out more than the Colt Single Action Army and the Winchester lever action rifle. These were the quintessential tools of what our generation remembers as the guns that tamed the Wild West in movies and literature. Many firearms...
by Kenyon Bennett | Oct 15, 2018 | Features & Gunfights
When does a boy become a man? The age-old question regenerates itself when a proud, but tired, young mother places a gentle kiss on the cheek of her wailing newborn son and prays silently that life will treat him kindly. She envisions her baby will grow into a virile...
by TW Editors | Oct 10, 2018 | Features & Gunfights
Meet the staff behind True West Magazine! (Pictured above) Lynda A. Sánchez, Age 6, 1951 Lynda is shown working with her father, Joe Carithers, on a corral near Arizona’s Tucson Mountain Park, where her father worked as superintendent. One of the last members of the...
by Red Steagall | Sep 28, 2018 | Departments, What History Has Taught Me
Red Steagall is a musician, poet and actor who shares stories of the American West. His performances include a White House party for President Ronald Reagan and overseas tours to the Middle East, the Far East and South America. He became the first cowboy poet to be...
by Mark Boardman | Sep 4, 2018 | Departments, Investigating History
Granville Stuart, who died 100 years ago this October, is one of the most remarkable men in the history of the West. Born in what’s now West Virginia in 1834, Granville moved with his family to Iowa four years later. In 1852, he accompanied his father and brother,...