Charles Poston’s Arizona Utopia

Charles Poston’s Arizona Utopia

When one imagines pristine Arizona’s dry, desolate, sunbaked deserts in the 1850s it’s difficult to picture any of it as being a utopian Shangri La...

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A Land of Anomalies and Tamales

A Land of Anomalies and Tamales

Arizonans like to call this place a land of anomalies and tamales because of the contrasts and contradictions that make the Grand Canyon State...

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Climax Jim

Climax Jim

Climax Jim was the darling of the Arizona press during the late 1890s. Thanks to the fertile imaginations of the old timers who knew him and the...

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Arizona’s Shangri La

Arizona’s Shangri La

When one imagines pristine Arizona’s dry, desolate, sun-baked deserts in the 1850s it’s difficult to picture any of it as being a utopian Shangri La...

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Education in Early Arizona

Education in Early Arizona

The three R’s, readin’, writin’, and ’rithmetic, like many other cultural conveniences, were late arriving on the Arizona frontier. The first...

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Arizona’s Boundless Boundaries

Arizona’s Boundless Boundaries

Did you know Arizona was once a part of western Georgia? Yup, in 1733 King George declared that Georgia extended west all the way to the Pacific...

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Aimee Semple McPherson

Aimee Semple McPherson

Arizona played a part in one of the great hoaxes of the 1920s when Aimee Semple McPherson, a popular Hollywood show business evangelist, was...

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A Marriage Scheme

A Marriage Scheme

John Clum’s plan to have the government pay for his wedding. John Clum was the successful Indian agent at the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona. His...

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