Bass Tillman, a former gunfighter who talks to himself and rides mules, has found respectability in a small Colorado town. His serenity is shattered...

Bass Tillman, a former gunfighter who talks to himself and rides mules, has found respectability in a small Colorado town. His serenity is shattered...
We can thank The Assassination of Jesse James for the long-overdue DVD release of Philip Kaufman’s brilliant James Gang movie, released in 1972....
In this 1880s Romance, Lady Sydney Hathwell, an English heiress, skedaddles from an arranged marriage with a cold-hearted man living in New York...
The Sioux continually raided small Fort Phil Kearny in Wyoming for wood and supplies. In the fall of 1866, they waylaid a wagon train, killing all...
In this Civil War-era romance, Utah rancher Clay Ashworth, married to a restless Mexican spitfire, receives marital advice from Mormon leader...
Colonel Edward Hatch learns his constant harassment of the Apache war chief Victorio pays off south of the border. Mexican rifles wipe out the...
Less a coffee table book and more a serious scholarly study, Dempsey’s book is still an attractive work filled with plates of striking Blackfoot...
Geography furnishes us with the underpinnings of history. This book merges those two disciplines and adds a third: biography. We follow the...
The photography in this volume is so good, it stands on its own. Each photo seems to draw you into the moment, no matter the subject. Each one...
Cook-Lynn, a professor of Native American Studies and a Crow Creek Sioux, says it is time for Native American Studies to leave behind the myths of...
Pre-WWII Los Angeles is the stuff of legend. Yet, somehow, this fascinating story of gambling and corruption has not yet been told. Fortunately,...
If you have a taste for the gruesome side of frontier life, then this is the book for you. From 1854 to 1910, more than 1,000 men and two women were...