Although created as a fictional cowboy hero, Hopalong Cassidy—as portrayed by actor William Boyd—has become as real to millions of Western fans as...
Audrey Hepburn vs. Billy Bob Thornton
Billy Bob Thornton’s got a costume that frankly beats out pretty much most of what passes for collectible in the Hollywood memorabilia category so...
Rock Island’s Rare Rig
Severs is a well-known name in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and a holster rig tied to that family has set a world record. In downtown Muskogee, you can...
Rock Island’s Rare Rig
Severs is a well-known name in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and a holster rig tied to that family has set a world record. In downtown Muskogee, you can...
Casa de Adobe
If not for Mark Twain’s love of the Mississippi River, which brought him often to St. Louis, an artist who would come to be known for his mission...
Casa de Adobe
If not for Mark Twain’s love of the Mississippi River, which brought him often to St. Louis, an artist who would come to be known for his mission...
Taos Founders Top Auction
For Eanger I. Couse, life seemed to begin in 1887. He found romance and learned of a place from which his future work would gain its most notoriety....
Does Your Colt Pedigree?
A sure-shot way to prove the pedigree of your Colt firearm is to have factory documentation. A Colt Historical Letter has been universally...
Collecting the West Roundup
Hidden among Picassos, Duchamps and Matisses collected by Earl Horter is a fire-hardened buffalo hide shield with an antelope hide strap sling. At...
Not a Leg to Stand On
Before the Wild West Show, heck before showman William F. Cody was even born, the Victorian taste for the grotesque was satisfied by circus sideshow...
Collecting the West Roundup
Hidden among Picassos, Duchamps and Matisses collected by Earl Horter is a fire-hardened buffalo hide shield with an antelope hide strap sling. At...
A Gun Exchanged for Billy the Kid’s Mare
“I want no man who hesitates,” Frank Stewart told his Panhandle stockmen when they had realized that they weren’t just rounding up some stolen steer...