The New York Herald dubbed The North American Indian (TNAI) as the “most gigantic undertaking in the making of books since the King James edition of...
George Custer the Early Years
Despite his lack of qualifications Custer won a coveted appointment to West Point in 1857. He wasn’t a good student, receiving a record number of...
Little Bighorn Indian Memorial
A Vision Realized on the 145th Anniversary of the Battle The Indian Memorial at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument in Montana was created...
Hero or Goat?
The press declared Curly a hero until Gall called him out at the Battle of Little Bighorn’s 10th reunion.
Lakota warrior Rain-in-the-Face fought proudly for his people’s freedom and escaped death many times on and off the battlefield, but he couldn’t outrun being branded a Custer killer.
The Last Link to the Little Bighorn
He is the one living connection to the Battle of the Little Bighorn, or Custer’s Last Stand if you prefer. He’s an old man now, 96 on October 27....
Buffalo Bill’s First Scalp for Custer
Cody, Carr, Collins and Townsend could hardly contain themselves. On a hot afternoon at Fort Laramie, Buffalo Bill was his customary dashing and...