“Tea must be universally renounced . . . and the sooner the better,” wrote John Adams, enroute to the first Continental Congress in 1774. Patriotic...
History Features
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Caught in the Crossfire
One hundred years ago, Willie Nickell, the 14-year-old son of a contentious homesteader who had brought sheep into cattle country, was murdered on...
Head’em Up, Move’em Out!
The Santa Fe Railroad, in 1873, ceased construction of its main transcontinental line at Dodge City, Kansas, for three years due to a national...
Salty John Cox
Howard Bryan, longtime cowboy writer, built this stellar career interviewing some of the most notorious cowboys in New Mexico. One of them was...
The Lariat
Perhaps the last thing that a bug-eyed tenderfoot will notice about a cowboy and his horse is the lariat. Yet, in this day of modern convenience,...
Lady Sadie
Following the death of her husband, Wyatt Earp, in 1929, at the age of 63, Josephine Sarah Earp, who Wyatt called “Sadie,” spent a great portion of...