The James-Younger gang met its match in a frontier bank. At the centennial of the nation’s founding, Northfield, Minnesota, was a bucolic river town...
The Youngest Younger Goes Bad
John Younger kills a lawman in Texas. February 16, 1871. Nineteen-year-old John Younger crosses the line. The day before, he and some pals--all...
End of the Line
The James-Younger Gang is shot to pieces in Minnesota. September 7, 1876. Members of the James-Younger Gang attempt to rob the First National Bank...
A Dry Run for Northfield?
Did Jesse James use another holdup as preparation? July 7, 1876. Members of the James-Younger Gang held up a train outside Otterville, Missouri....
The Ill-Fated McDaniel Brothers
Both outlaws; both paid the price. Brothers Tom and Bud McDaniel both rode with the James-Younger Gang. Bud died after a jail break in the summer of...
An Early Celebration
A James-Younger Gang member paid a price for enjoying the loot. The James-Younger Gang got about $30,000 from a train robbery in December 1874. It...
A Detour From the Outlaw Trail
Frank James’ brief retirement brought peace and contentment. For Frank James, the years just after the James-Younger Gang’s disastrous raid on...
What Drunken Mistake led to the Downfall of the James-Younger Gang? Watch Live 7/21
What Drunken Mistake led to the Downfall of the James-Younger Gang? Oh, this is going to be a fun one. You may already know the answer, but not the...