The life of a miner was tough. Those hard rock miners faced a number of hazards including gas pockets, cave-ins, silicosis of the lungs caused by...
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Cornish Miners and Tommyknockers
The rocky wilderness of the American West turned out to be the richest treasure trove of natural resources in the history of the civilized...
Alfred Packer
Alfred Packer was a prospector, miner and claimed to be a seasoned guide however he never mentioned he was prone to lose his way. During the harsh...
Henry Plummer And The Not So Innocents Handsome Henry Plummer was a ladies man, lawman and politician in California during the Gold Rush. He was also crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
The big gold strikes at Bannack in 1862; Alder Gulch in 1863, which late became Virginia City; Last Chance Gulch in 1864, which became Helena and...
Alexander Todd Without having to touch a pick, gold pan, cradle or a shovel, Alexander Todd struck paydirt...
There were many entrepreneurial men who found a way to “mine the miners,” including Levi Strauss, John M. Studebaker, Philip Armour and Ah Toy, who...
High Grading In mining lingo, high grading was simply pilfering ore from the mine one’s employer...
In mining lingo, high grading was simply pilfering ore from the mine one’s employer. A miner might take a few choice pieces of ore home with him at...