March 18, 1882 Morgan Earp vs. Frank Stilwell, Pete Spence and others. A one-night showing of the play Stolen Kisses is being staged at the...
Behind the Eight Ball
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March 18, 1882 Morgan Earp vs. Frank Stilwell, Pete Spence and others. A one-night showing of the play Stolen Kisses is being staged at the...
For Pete Spence, marriage was a godsend of sorts. He was accused in the March 18, 1882 assassination of Morgan Earp in Tombstone. Spence’s wife...
Pete Spence is best known for his time as a Cow-boy in the Tombstone time of troubles. He may have been involved in the shooting of Virgil Earp and...
Elliott Larkin Ferguson is best known to history as Pete Spence, one of the Cowboys of Tombstone. Probably his biggest claim to fame—his connection...