Independence is near after San Jacinto. April 21, 1836. Sam Houston and a force of about 900 Texians surprised the Mexican army (around 1300 men)...

The Texians’ Great Victory
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Independence is near after San Jacinto. April 21, 1836. Sam Houston and a force of about 900 Texians surprised the Mexican army (around 1300 men)...
Two years before the fateful Battle of the Alamo, the storm clouds—and leaders—of a revolution gathered across Texas. Things looked up for William...
Did Sam Houston ever call the Alamo a death trap? Did he order Jim Bowie to burn it down and to get out of the area? Historian, Bob Palmquist wrote:...
The Texas president took charge to end a bloody feud. Between 1839 and 1844, two factions—the Regulators and the Moderators—fought for control of...
Sam Walker had migrated to Texas in 1842 and immediately joined in the continuing war along the border with Mexico. That same year Sam Houston...