true west blog
It’s Hamer Time!

It’s Hamer Time!

Long vilified as a treacherous lawman, Texas Ranger Frank Hamer survived 52 gunfights, was wounded 23 times in the line of duty and, he was declared...

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Gold Fever

Gold Fever

A story is told of a farmer in a Midwest American town who heard a circus with an elephant was coming to a nearby town.  He wanted to see the...

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The Christmas Mine

The Christmas Mine

In 1880 rich deposits of gold were found in the Dripping Springs Mountains south of Globe by Dr. James Douglas, president of the Phelps Dodge Mining...

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Denis Kearney

Denis Kearney

Denis Kearney was an Irish immigrant/naturalized citizen who became a political organizer in 1870s California.  He was a founder of the Workingmen’s...

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Flame Delhi

Flame Delhi

On the morning of April 16th, 1912 headlines across America told the story of the tragic sinking of the Titanic.  On its maiden voyage across the...

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Cactus Derbies

Cactus Derbies

It wasn’t long after the first railroads crossed Arizona in the 1880s and many people in the territory had yet to take a ride on an iron horse when...

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Tombstone’s Hoptown

Tombstone’s Hoptown

One of the forgotten parts of Tombstone—shown briefly in the movie Tombstone—was Chinatown. It was also called Hoptown, a slang term indicating one...

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John Colter The First Mountain Man

John Colter The First Mountain Man

John Colter was a member of the Corps of Discovery that crossed the wide Missouri with Lewis and Clark in 1804-1806.  He was considered to be one of...

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