Along the Ute’s River of Lost Souls (today’s Animas River), you’ll find “water town,” first labeled as Urango by the Basque and later named after...
Casper, Wyoming
Wild Bunch outlaw Tom O’Day may not have entered Casper willingly (in 1903, he was tried and jailed for stealing a herd of horses nearby), but many...
Trinidad, Colorado
Trinidad, Colorado, is one town that can boast the town founder's home is not only still around, but also maintains the Victorian style of its...
Top 10 True Western Towns of 2008
Given to towns that have made an important contribution to preserving their pasts. We hope this award will not only encourage federal, state and...
Tombstone, Arizona
In 1877, Ed Schieffelin discovered silver at a site where soldiers from Camp Huachuca warned all he would find was his tombstone. (That was a $30...
Top 10 True Western Towns of 2007
Given to towns that have made an important contribution to preserving their pasts. We hope this award will encourage federal, state and local...
Silver City, New Mexico
When silver was discovered above La Cienega de San Vicente (The Marsh of St. Vincent) in the 1870s, Silver City, New Mexico, was born. It soon...
Train Towns
Many towns throughout the West owe their existence to railroads. Not many still celebrate their rail heritage. But 10 noteworthy trains are still...
Dodge & Burn
“Our Land Marks Gone,”. . . the headline blared in the Globe Live Stock Journal on Tuesday, December 1, 1885. “THE FIRE FIEND WIPES OUT THE BUSINESS...