The first confrontation between the Earps and McLaurys. July 25, 1880. A contingent including several soldiers, a Wells Fargo agent, and Deputy US...
Wells Fargo
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Let’s Make a Deal
Wyatt Earp’s attempt to placate the Cow-boys falls apart. In 1881, Wells Fargo secretly gave Wyatt Earp a free hand to put an end to stage robberies...
Joe George, Grant Wheeler and the Flying Pesos Train Robbery
One of Arizona’s zaniest train robberies took place five miles west of Willcox on January 30th, 1895 when two cowboys named Joe George and Grant...
Making The Law Lew Cooley was arrested for breaking a law that didn’t exist.
Lew Cooley was a stage driver and friend of the Earps in southeast Arizona. In mid-April 1882, he boarded an eastbound train in Benson—and met with...
Ask the Marshall
Did Wells Fargo have its own detective force?
John X. Beidler
A shotgun messenger in Old Montana left a great legacy of service and courage.
Shotguns and Outlaws
Wells Fargo’s shotgun messenger Mike Tovey was among the bravest of them all.