A few years before the Civil War, one of the most violent episodes in Western American trail history played out on a mountain meadow in Southern...
Custer’s Last Film
In his own time George A. Custer was quite the celebrity-soldier, so it is certainly appropriate that he has become such a frequent character in the...
Training Painted Paints
It’s a breathtaking scene in a beautiful movie. Hundreds of wild horses run free across the Montana prairie in the final scene of Hidalgo. The...
Why Did The Alamo Flop?
First off, there were no male action stars and no hot babes, so there goes the action and sex-comedy crowds. Look at the four biggest grossing films...
Why Did The Alamo Flop?
First off, there were no male action stars and no hot babes, so there goes the action and sex-comedy crowds. Look at the four biggest grossing films...
Pounds of “Character Gold Dust”
The little mining camp that could and did survive is none other than Deadwood, South Dakota, the best character found on HBO’s Deadwood series,...
Remembering the Alamo Movies
This April, Touchstone Pictures (a subsidiary of Disney) released a $75 million-plus film The Alamo, which reinterpreted this most famous of...
Iron Outlaws in Oz
Who is Edward “Ned” Kelly? Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones may come to mind, as he portrayed the 25-year-old bushranger (Australian for outlaw) in...
The Truth about Hidalgo
Hidalgo- In case there’s any question that history and the Old West are again “hot” in Hollywood, Disney’s Touchstone Pictures is releasing an $80...
What’s Missing from The Missing?
Has Hollywood forgotten that the 1903 Western The Great Train Robbery jump-started the movie industry? When the self-financed Open Range was...
Re-enactors Bring Realism to Movies
GODS AND GENERALS More than 7,500 re-enactors brought the Civil War to life in Gods and Generals, released on February 21, 2003. Director, producer...
John Wayne’s 10 Best Westerns
Stagecoach (1939)—John Wayne plays the Ringo Kid, who escapes from prison to...