A big moment in the OK Corral hearing. November 7, 1881--day eight of the OK Corral hearing. Judge Wells Spicer revokes the bail of Wyatt Earp and...

A big moment in the OK Corral hearing. November 7, 1881--day eight of the OK Corral hearing. Judge Wells Spicer revokes the bail of Wyatt Earp and...
Starting a church in Dodge City. September 24, 1850. Ormond W. Wright is born in New Hampshire. When he moves west in his early 20s, he decides to...
Screenwriter Dan Gordon reveals the real story behind the making of the blockbuster biopic. When it comes to the events in Tombstone on October 26,...
Did frontiersmen of the Old West fully load their single-actions or did they leave an empty chamber under the hammer? Experienced shooters realize...
The first confrontation between the Earps and McLaurys. July 25, 1880. A contingent including several soldiers, a Wells Fargo agent, and Deputy US...
A despondent Cow-boy ends it all. July 12, 1882. The Tombstone Epitaph reports that Cow-boy John Ringo has been drinking heavily in the town of...
None was bigger than Bob Paul. No lawman in the Old West was taller than Bob Paul. He stood 6'6" and weighed 246, broad shoulders and massive chest....
How a failed arrangement helped lead to Tombstone’s street fight. June 2, 1881. Wyatt Earp approaches Cowboy Ike Clanton with a proposal. If Clanton...
But he didn’t really build his legend there… May 19, 1876 (or thereabouts). Wyatt Earp is appointed deputy marshal of Dodge City, Kansas. In late...
Earp Goes to Dodge…and puts on a badge. May 19, 1876 (or thereabouts). Wyatt Earp is appointed deputy marshal of Dodge City, Kansas. Over the next...
A political brawl leads to dismissal of Wyatt Earp. April 19, 1876. Wyatt Earp is fired as a Wichita, Kansas policeman. Earp's boss, Mike Meagher,...
He runs from a horse theft charge in Arkansas April 6, 1871. Edward Kennedy and Wyatt Earp are arrested by a deputy U.S. marshal in the Cherokee...