Clum in the Cold

Clum in the Cold

  John Clum’s great adventure in Alaska is still legendary. John Clum is best known for his two years in Tombstone, serving as mayor,...

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Shooting Back

Shooting Back

  The Historic and Notorious Ox I have been thumbing through your July/August 23 Kit Carson issue and enjoying it. I see your Saloons feature...

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O.K. Boomers

O.K. Boomers

Wyatt Earp was a Boomer. As are most of the writers and historians arguing about him in this issue. Granted, the term Boomer has slightly different...

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Truth Be Known

Truth Be Known

Old Vaquero Sayings “He who does not expect to win is already defeated.”   Quotes “Study the things that interest you, that awaken your...

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Opening Shot

Opening Shot

Stampede! In the tradition of his artistic predecessor George Catlin, Charles M. Russell’s oil on canvas The Buffalo Hunt (1900) exemplifies the...

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Miles City, Montana

Miles City, Montana

  Miles City was primed for the Fourth of July. The fledgling town in eastern Montana Territory celebrated with music from Fort Keogh’s Fifth...

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