The Bombing of Naco

The Bombing of Naco

Few people realize it but the world’s first aerial combat took place near the Arizona-Mexican border. During frequent revolutions in Mexico during...

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Bad Medicine

Bad Medicine

In the spring of 1874, medicine man Isa-tai (translates as “Wolf’s Vulva”) convinced 250 Kiowas, Commanches and Southern Cheyenne that White Man...

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Bill Hickman

Bill Hickman

Bill Hickman was an early follower of and bodyguard for Mormon founder Joseph Smith in 1839.  After the move to Utah, Hickman became a sheriff,...

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Entertainment and the Arts

Entertainment and the Arts

Back in the days before radio, movies and television, lectures were a popular form of entertainment in Arizona communities. They ranged from...

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Augusta Tabor

Augusta Tabor

Augusta Tabor’s life with husband Horace wasn’t easy.  They struggled from the 1850s through early 1880s, trying to make their fortune.  Augusta was...

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