Deforest Kelley

Deforest Kelley

Actor DeForest Kelley is best known as Dr. “Bones” McCoy on Star Trek. But he also had a number of connections to Tombstone—at least on film. He...

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Puffing, Chewing and Dippin’

Puffing, Chewing and Dippin’

American’s love for smoking began early in our history. Among the various types of tobacco were rope cable twist, Bull Durham in a sack, and plug...

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The Country Jake

The Country Jake

In 1876, Arizona cowboy Gus Gildea described seeing the young outlaw Henry McCarty near Henry Clay Hooker’s Sierra Bonita Ranch: “He came to town,...

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Queen of the Cowtowns

Queen of the Cowtowns

When Dodge City’s founders staked out their vision for a town near Fort Dodge in 1872, its first business was George Hoover’s bar. He sold whiskey...

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The Unsinkable Molly Brown

The Unsinkable Molly Brown

She was born Margaret Tobin in Hannibal, Missouri, the daughter of Irish immigrants. A restless, strong-willed adventuresome lass, the pretty...

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Magic Finds Tombstone

Magic Finds Tombstone

According to George Parsons’ journal the first circus (Ryland’s) landed in Tombstone on September 22, 1880. Parsons also reports going to see Prof...

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Audubon’s Wild West

Audubon’s Wild West

John James Audubon, revolutionary bird artist and founder of modern ornithology, traveled the American frontier in pursuit of his goals and recorded...

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