Snake Oil

Snake Oil

Curing ailments were quite popular in the 19th century. Patent medicines promised to cure everything from male impotency to unmentionable female...

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A Nazi Western?

A Nazi Western?

Believe it or not, a 1936 German film, Der Kaiser von Kalifornien (The Emperor of California), was partially filmed in Sedona. The script allegedly...

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One-Armed Bandits

One-Armed Bandits

California was bursting at the seams with fortune seekers in 1885, when 23-year-old Charles Fey landed in San Francisco. Gaming was made illegal in...

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Tragic  Powwow

Tragic Powwow

June 1, 1887 Absent from duty for five days, the Apache Kid, along with four other Apache scouts under his command, ride single file into the...

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Sinful Chocolate

Sinful Chocolate

Water and crackers are all that sustained Ignace Wagner for a week when he arrived in San Francisco, California, in 1852. He borrowed some money and...

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