Let ’er Buck

Let ’er Buck

Pendleton, Oregon, got its start in 1862 when Moses Goodwin traded a span of mules for land and built a bridge over the Umatilla River. It became a...

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A Hero’s Tale

A Hero’s Tale

A century ago, the modern weaponry carried by the European armed forces of World War I killed thousands of young men on a daily basis. The carnage...

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Why do Westerns show mainly  male horses?

Why do Westerns show mainly male horses?

Why do Westerns show mainly male horses? Carleton Cooley                                                                                            ...

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Rubble on Route 66

Rubble on Route 66

Rubble was all that was left of one of the most famous trading posts in the nation—a must stop on Route 66 “where real Indians trade.” A fire in...

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Stopping Sam Bass

Stopping Sam Bass

James Gillett had been a noted Texas Ranger for three years when he led a group of Rangers to Round Rock, TX in July 1878. The plan—head off the Sam...

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