Nobody messed with Sarah Bowman, “The Great Western.” She was a giant among women—hell, she was a giant among most men—this “Amazon of the Border”...
Behind the Eight Ball
March 18, 1882 Morgan Earp vs. Frank Stilwell, Pete Spence and others. A one-night showing of the play Stolen Kisses is being staged at the...
Is Horizon the End of the Epic Western?
Our experts weigh in on the fate of Kevin Costner’s four-part film series. Oscar-winning actor, director, producer Kevin Costner blinked back...
Arizona’s First Boomtown
Gila City disintegrated fast. The ruins proved inspiring to some and portentous for others. Shortly after Christmas in 1863, a party of...
Killer Kids of the Civil War
Close to a half million boys under the age of 18 were involved in both the Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War. Some historians...
Five or Six?
Did frontiersmen of the Old West fully load their single-actions or did they leave an empty chamber under the hammer? Experienced shooters realize...
The Masters Capture the West
The Russell and Scottsdale Art auctions gaveled up top dollars from collectors of Western classics. One of the best-loved Western painters is...
Shooting Back
Jana Bommersbach Has Passed While we were finishing this issue we got word that our beloved columnist, author and friend, Jana Bommersbach passed...
Our Big, Fat History Problem
Apparently, nobody wants to face the facts, but I do. Here’s a cold, hard fact: Interest in American history has never been lower. Schools are...
Truth Be Known
“Every family needs that one unstable person who has no fear and is willing to go to war with whoever messes with their tribe.” “What a man knows...
Silver State Miners
President Abraham Lincoln made Nevada a territory in the fall of 1861 to protect its rich silver and gold mines from the Confederacy. Fast-tracked...
What History Has Taught Me: Melody Groves
Melody Groves, Author and Historian Melody Groves deeply loves the Southwest. As a native New Mexican, she explores ghost towns, rides horses and...