I have seen three variations of the well-known “Dodge City Peace Commission” photo, one with the top-right corner torn off, another with W.F....
Did guys actually exist in the Old West who made their living as bounty hunters?
Did guys actually exist in the Old West who made their living as bounty hunters? Steve Drake Gladewater, Texas Bounty hunters were a varied...
Can you explain to me exactly what “Long Riders” are?
Can you explain to me exactly what “Long Riders” are? Mike Via the Internet According to Ramon Adams’ Western Words, long riders was another name...

A Writer Who Speaks for the Dead
You have to relish a writer who describes Benjamin Franklin as an 18th-century Groucho Marx. Lucia St. Clair Robson is not only one of America’s...

The Oregon Trail
Day after day, week after week, we went through the same weary routine of breaking camp at daybreak, yoking the oxen, cooking our meagre rations...

King of Texas
In the new TNT Western movie King of Texas, rancher John Lear has an ego about as big as the newly formed Republic of Texas. He tells his three...

I Want To Be A Cowboy.
Imagine being an Indian boy wanting to be a cowboy, every day begging his father for a set of pistols, a holster and one of those red cowboy hats...

The Myth of the Buffalo Stand
Lying atop a grassy knoll 400 yards downwind from a grazing herd, a bearded, unkempt hunter rests the barrel of his .50–caliber Sharps on a metal...

Style of the Texas Rangers
Texas Ranger—a man’s man and a woman’s hero—men whose grit was their glamour. The lawmen who wore the Lone Star badge would never have guessed...

Virginia City
You might not be asked to sign a paper pledging allegiance to the Union when you enter Virginia City, Montana, but then again you could be. Born...

Mike Blakely
Roping, riding and writing—that’s a typical day for Mike Blakely, one of the fastest rising stars in Western fiction. Lately the fourth “R,”...
Was anyone actually hanged in the Old West for stealing a horse?
Was anyone actually hanged in the Old West for stealing a horse? Paul Gordon St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Stealing a man’s horse in the wide open...