After a gunfight or Indian attack, what happened to the weapons of the fallen? Edward Presken - Mobile, Alabama To the victor go the spoils. If...
Discover the West!
Summertime is the perfect season to enjoy a travel adventure across the Western United States. Every state has well-publicized scenic...
Jerome, Arizona
When you dig deep into Jerome’s history you find so many layers—so many stories of boom and bust, of bordellos, opium dens, gambling and...
In Search of the Real Bass Reeves
For a century, slave-turned-Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves was legendary among history buffs, but with the general public, he couldn’t get...
Tucson Book Festival
On Saturday morning, March 9, 2024, the sun rose over Tucson, Arizona, after two days of overcast skies and rain. Fifteen years since the first...
Grit and Grace
Across the past 150 years of Western American history scholarship, dozens of authors have been inspired to research and write about mining in the...
Tom Mix’s Last Sundown
This idol of millions spent his last evening on earth with old friends, old memories—but new hopes. And no Hollywood premiere was ever more dazzling...
A Deadly Duel at 500 Yards
Bass Reeves vs. Jim Webb The master of the long shot, indeed Based on the research of Art Burton June 15, 1884 Out on the Whiskey...
The Last Hurrah
General John “Black Jack” Pershing assigned the Apache scouts from the 10th and 11th cavalry the task of tracking Pancho Villa. (Enjuh! It is...
Custer Almost Kills Curtis
The New York Herald dubbed The North American Indian (TNAI) as the “most gigantic undertaking in the making of books since the King James edition of...
Bass Reeves Finally Gets His Due
Who was Bass Reeves? Historian Art Burton has spent much of his life on the trail of the elusive lawman’s life. Reeves’s life from slave to...
Rebel Yankees: The McCulloch Colts
When we think of Confederate revolvers we generally envision six guns like Leech & Rigdon, Spiller & Burr or the revolvers of the Dance...