Buffalo Bill Cody, A Man of the West (University of Kansas Press, $37.90) is a unique biography of famous scout and showman William Frederick “Buffalo Bill” Cody. Prentiss Ingraham, who authored more than 300 fictional dime novels featuring Cody, serialized this biography in the Duluth Press newspaper from July 13, 1895 through May 16, 1896. At the time, the biography was meant to popularize Cody’s story and advertise Buffalo Bill’s Wild West. Author Sandra K. Sagala collected and transcribed this biography from the original text. She has corrected the typographical errors for ease of reading and has done an excellent job compiling her endnotes which are full of information on historical events and individuals.
—Kellen Cutsforth, author of Buffalo Bill, Boozers, Brothels, and Bare-Knuckle Brawlers