Bob Boze Bell
Old Vaquero Saying

Old Vaquero Saying

“Para una madre, no hay mal hijo.” (To a mother, a bad son does not exist.) Doesn’t matter if it’s Billy the Kid, John Wesley Hardin, Jesse James or...

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Blood On The Canvas

Blood On The Canvas

New evidence appears to show that Vincent van Gogh did not commit suicide in July of 1890, but, in fact, was shot by a Buffalo Bill wannabe and...

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Bad Medicine

Bad Medicine

In the spring of 1874, medicine man Isa-tai (translates as “Wolf’s Vulva”) convinced 250 Kiowas, Commanches and Southern Cheyenne that White Man...

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The Explosion

The Explosion

Several people tried to help Wyatt Earp tell his life story, but nothing came of it.  That changed after his death in 1929. With the publication of...

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Mescalero Melee

Mescalero Melee

On August 5, 1878, Billy the Kid and the Regulators, riding 19 strong, come down through the canyon leading to the Mescalero Apache Agency in...

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Pancho’s Pension

Pancho’s Pension

After almost ten years of fighting, Pancho Villa sends a telegram to President Huerta requesting amnesty. Huerta agrees and gives Villa a huge...

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