Bob Boze Bell
Not So Gentle Tamers

Not So Gentle Tamers

Although some have portrayed early Arizona pioneer women as being “gentle tamers” the term does a bit of disservice to the toughness of these women....

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Lozen, Woman Warrior

Lozen, Woman Warrior

“Lozen is my right hand. . . strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy,” said the Apache leader Victorio about his sister. She also...

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Wyatt the Farmer?

Wyatt the Farmer?

In June 1880, Philip M. Thurmond walked around the newly formed mining camp of Tombstone and asked for the vital statistics of every person he could...

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The Hairy One Hangs

The Hairy One Hangs

Sonoran bandito, Augustine Chacon, alias Peluda (“The Hairy One”), robbed and killed in Arizona, and then hid out in the Sierra Madres until his...

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