Historians and enthusiasts have long debated the existence of the correspondence between John Henry “Doc” Holliday and his first cousin Mattie. An...
Legend of Black Bart
Taking his name from a dime Western novel, Charles E. Boles (or Charles Bolton, as he was known) robbed 28 Wells Fargo stagecoaches between 1875 and...
The Osage, Oil and the FBI
When oil was discovered underneath their Oklahoma reservation, the Osage Indians became the wealthiest people per capita in the world. Many lived in...
Bleached Bones
Set in the harsh, beautiful Sand Hills of Nebraska at the dawn of the 20th century, Jonis Agee’s The Bones of Paradise (William Morrow, $25.99) is a...
Cold Heart, Just Rewards
Clifford Jackman’s remarkably assured historical novel, The Winter Family (Doubleday, $25.95), recounts the exploits of a gang of former union...
Black Hills Adventure
Set in the decade following the Civil War, Joe R. Lansdale’s latest novel, Paradise Sky, recounts the story of infamous African-American cowboy and...
Old West CSI
It had all the makings of a nice little score. George Isaacs stuffed five sacks of mostly blank paper scraps and presented them at the Wells Fargo...