A young teen, in the 1880s, heads west to Montana to try his hand at cowboying. His passion for adventure converts him to the wilds of the Bonanza...
Doomed to Be an Artist
"Looking back, I wasn’t so bad. “Dropping out of high school at the age of 16 to pursue a career in art wasn’t an option,” admits Everett Raymond...
Old Cowtown Museum
Being a Kansas Gas and Electric man, Phil Hoch wasn’t sure he could be quick enough on his feet to dance in the Entre Nous, a Victorian dance group...
Preservation: Call to Arms
Call to Arms MISS: “A famous ad that most boy baby boomers will recall from Boys’ Life, the old scouting magazine of the ’50s, showed a happy lad,...
Gold Rush Sale for Art Collectors
Marge Schott was the primary owner and CEO of the Cincinnati Reds for nearly 15 years, after purchasing controlling interest in the team in 1984....
John Wayne and the Peacemaker
On film, John Wayne often portrayed the Westerner of popular legend—tall in the saddle, silent, a man whose word was his bond, perhaps sometimes...
Lonesome Dove Guest Ranch
Every time Sharron and Hal Butler visited their future ranch site in Kalispell, Montana, a solitary dove was always lingering around in the...
Between The Two
Where else in the world of Gospel music can one hear the phrase “there’s a hitch in my get-a-long” or be urged to get on board Salvation’s Line?...
Eleven Stories
Texas songster Bruce Robison makes music that slips on all soft and comfortable, like a good old flannel shirt. The CD opens with a wonderfully warm...
Saturday Matinee
So they’re not really family—so what. These guys have been playing Saturday matinees at Toronto’s Cameron Public House for nine years, so they’re...
Hardin’s Hardware
Texas shootist John Wesley Hardin had a career that spanned three decades (minus 16 years in prison). Texas shootist John Wesley Hardin had a career...
The Turquoise Trail
The scenic, winding back road between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico, is called N.M. 14 but is popularly known as the Turquoise Trail. Pueblos...