Celebrating the West True West enters its eighth decade with hope and promise. When Joe Small launched True West from his office in...

Celebrating the West True West enters its eighth decade with hope and promise. When Joe Small launched True West from his office in...
Growing up in the Texas Pan-handle, I often visited a cousin who worked at the 6666 Ranch, one of the old historic outfits in Texas, so I am quite...
Frank Dalton and James Cole vs Dave Smith, Will Towerly and Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Based on the research of Robert Ernst and George R. Stumpf; with...
Films and television shows featuring real working cowboys have made America’s icon famous worldwide since 1894. In America’s first...
Wyoming cowboy and Army cavalry and horse artillery veteran Tim McCoy brought realism to the silver screen. For a lad of Irish-born parents, his...
Can you spot the real cowboy? Only the photographer knew for sure. Ever since the first camera studio was set up, men and women have posed as their...
America’s icon still rides tall in the saddle. They call him cowboy, vaquero, buckaroo, waddy, paniolo, saddletramp, wrangler and drover. He...
Make your plans, pack your bags and head out for a Western adventure of a lifetime! Whether you live in rural North Dakota or urban Texas, an annual...
Dogs and cats are as Western as six-guns and Stetsons—and a lot more lovable. In the Old West, dogs were common—and necessary. Cats, not at first,...
How did he earn his terrifying nickname? The sun lay low on the horizon over Battle Mountain in northwestern Colorado. The big man on the imposing...
Maps & Graphics by Gus Walker Based on the research of John Langellier, Jack McPhee, Larry Ball, Chip Carlson, Grace McClure, Diana Allen Kouris...
Before the legendary bear was nearly driven to extinction, Ursus horribilis ruled the forests and plains of the Pacific Coast. The American Indians...