Authors have written excellent books on John C. Fremont (Allan Nevins, Ferol Egan) and even one (Pamela Herr) on his wife. Because of their devotion...
Raven Springs
When a Mexican compadre sets out for a Wyoming sheep camp yet never arrives, Jimmy Clevis agrees to find his friend. During his travels, he meets...
Not So Lonesome
Successful literary collaborations are rare. A few exceptions can be found, such as Mark Twain & Charles Dudley Warner (The Gilded Age), Charles...
Not So Lonesome
Successful literary collaborations are rare. A few exceptions can be found, such as Mark Twain & Charles Dudley Warner (The Gilded Age), Charles...
The Year the Stars Fell
The Lakota Sioux kept track of their past through an annual pictorial “Winter Count.” For more than 11 centuries, tribal historians drew the single...
California Badmen
All too often, writers dealing with the history of crime in the Old West neglect California once they are done covering Joaquin Murrieta and...
The Secret War For Texas
Texans have long vilified James Grant, a Scot with grandiose ambitions of forming the state of northern Mexico. He depleted weapons, munitions and...
The Look of the Old West
A mini encyclopedia of the Old West, this book is a great reading adventure as well as a handy tool. Just about anything you can imagine in the Old...
The Great Houses of Chaco
Chaco is a majestic ancient city in the forbidding landscape of northwest New Mexico. The ruins are famous for the five-story stone houses built...
Courting Trouble
The setting for this Christian Romance is 1874 Corsicana, Texas. The heroine is Essie Spreckelmeyer, a tall, skinny, opinionated 30-year-old...
The Vengeance Brand
Four injured Civil War veterans meander toward California at war’s end. Without a well-defined protagonist or a clear plot in this book, the reader...
To Tame A Land
Orphaned by Indian raiders, Ryan Tyler would have grown up wild save for the steadying hand of Logan Pollard, a wandering man with a mysterious past...