The Tenacious West Thank you for a thought-provoking Western Books article, “The Tenacity of the West—and the Western,” in the November 2023 issue...
Truth Be Known
Old Vaquero Sayings “He who gets close to a good tree is sheltered by good shade.” Quotes “Human minds are more full of mysteries than any written...
Gold Fever
In 1897, thousands of men and women from around the world rushed to Alaska to seek their bonanza in Yukon gold. Local Juneau photographers Lloyd...
Shooting Back
Blame It On The Pig I first met Kevin Jarre at a gathering of Alamo buffs at Joe Musso’s apartment. Dan Gagliasso told Kevin of the gathering. So,...
Truth Be Known
Old Vaquero Sayings “The devil knows more by being old than by being the devil.” Quotes “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use...
Ranch Life
Ranch Life Dakota Territory photographer John C. H. Grabill, like his peer Solomon Butcher in Nebraska, was a master at capturing daily ranch life...
Jerry C. Crandall – Artist and Friend
Jerry C. Crandall Artist and Friend April 1, 1935-June 12, 2022 Jerry C. Crandall died at 87 years old on June 12, 2022, after contracting Covid....
Shooting Back
The Historic and Notorious Ox I have been thumbing through your July/August 23 Kit Carson issue and enjoying it. I see your Saloons feature...
Truth Be Known
Old Vaquero Sayings “He who does not expect to win is already defeated.” Quotes “Study the things that interest you, that awaken your...
Opening Shot
Stampede! In the tradition of his artistic predecessor George Catlin, Charles M. Russell’s oil on canvas The Buffalo Hunt (1900) exemplifies the...
Shooting Back
Our readers remind us of the variables and vagaries of historic truths, “well-established” facts, headlines and historical photographs. Historic...
Truth Be Known
Old Vaquero Sayings “Before you give up, think of the reason you held on so long.” Quotes “My favorite state has not yet been invented. It will be...