John Slaughter and the San Bernardino Ranch

John Slaughter and the San Bernardino Ranch

After the death of his beloved wife Eliza from small pox, John Slaughter ex-Confederate soldier and ex-Texas Ranger, now ranching in Cochise County, believed he’d never marry again. But while driving a herd of cattle from Texas to Arizona cupid struck again. This time...
Will C. Barnes: Soldier, Cowboy, Author and Storyteller

Will C. Barnes: Soldier, Cowboy, Author and Storyteller

Will C. Barnes was born in San Francisco on June 21st, 1858.  After moving across country and living in numerous states, he settled in Washington, D.C.  Although he stood only five feet four inches tall, Barnes was smart, able-bodied and anxious for adventure.  On...
Sand Creek Complexity

Sand Creek Complexity

Sand Creek, like Little Bighorn or Wounded Knee, serves as a lightning rod evoking polemic responses. Gregory F. Michno knew this well when he launched into his latest title, The Three Battles of Sand Creek: In Blood, in Court, and as the End of History (Savis Beatie,...