by Bill Markley | Nov 5, 2012 | Western Movies
“Did you sketch this picture of my daughter?” Cindy Costner, Kevin’s wife at the time, asked a Union soldier during a lull in the Dances With Wolves filming in 1989. “I did,” answered Jim Hatzell, a Western artist from Rapid City, South Dakota. “May I see your...
by TW Editors | Oct 3, 2012 | Western Books
True West is setting out on a mission to help you find the best books, on a multitude of subjects, that depict this great frontier era in American history. Our attempt is not to do it alone, but to ask knowledgeable authors and historians to share the books they just...
by Johnny D. Boggs | Oct 1, 2012 | Uncategorized
For all of you poor suckers not fortunate to live west of Independence, Missouri, or who find yourself in the crowded, humid East, fear not. You can find the West in them thar woods too. Head to Urbandale, Iowa, where the 500-acre outdoor Living History Farm museum...
by | Sep 4, 2012 | Inside History
What is hardtack? Terry WeckesserTularosa, New Mexico Hardtack is a hard biscuit made from flour, water and a little grease. When cooked on both sides, it looks like a soda cracker. It wasn’t that hard and didn’t taste that bad when it left the factory, but by the...
by Mark Boardman | Sep 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
One of the best Wild West shoot-outs involved two Eastern artists. Instead of facing each other in the street, Charles Schreyvogel and Frederic Remington had it out in the newspapers. Their odd interlude is worth recounting on the 100th anniversary year of...