Lost Riders of the Segregated Cinema

Lost Riders of the Segregated Cinema

They were the trailblazers of their day—a visionary group of actors, writers, directors, producers and businessmen whose stage was the old Negro Cinema. Born of both necessity and opportunity, the “segregated cinema” created by these entertainment pioneers operated...
Long Before Texas Hold ’em

Long Before Texas Hold ’em

Disgusted, Wild Bill Hickok tossed down his cards on that fateful August 2, 1876. Hickok had joined the table at Nuttall and Mann’s No. 10 Saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory, at about noon. Never wanting his back to a bar or door, the legendary gunman first asked...
Because of Them

Because of Them

In the year of Thomas Jefferson’s famous purchase, 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte had conquered Spain and ruled all Spanish territory in North America. Jefferson’s union of 17 tiny states was a small blip on Napoleon’s map of the western hemisphere. It was surrounded by...