by | Dec 6, 2018 | Ask the Marshall, Departments
Did the Apache call their great leader Geronimo or his original name, Goyahkla? Al Maurine Tucson, Arizona Geronimo, a prominent leader and shaman, was a Bedonkohe Apache. His given name was Goyahkla or, “The One Who Yawns.” Some say the name Geronimo is a corruption...
by Deni J. Seymour | Nov 12, 2018 | Features & Gunfights
On May 5, 1871, Sgt. John Mott and three others followed Apache footprints, tracking what they thought were the incautious wanderings of an inattentive Apache woman and her mount toward an unsuspecting ranchería. The rocky fringe of the mountainous heights and the...
by Phil Spangenberger | Nov 9, 2018 | Departments, True Western Towns
It’s not often that a movie becomes a cult classic almost immediately after its release, but such was the case with the 1993 motion picture Tombstone, starring Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Dana Delaney and a host of other Hollywood stars. Ironically, because...
by Erik J. Wright | Nov 6, 2018 | Features & Gunfights
In 1925, Kathryn Downing-Smith, the wife of one of Patrick Gass’s grandsons, wrote a letter to her niece Pearl about Gass. She offered keen insight into a man who, until his dying years, had been a soldier and teller of tall tales of his time with Meriwether Lewis and...
by Candy Moulton | Oct 25, 2018 | Departments, Renegade Roads
So much of the Western story begins in St. Louis, and the tale of William and Charles Bent is no exception. From a family of eleven children, the brothers joined forces in about 1826 with Ceran St. Vrain, also a resident of St. Louis. They traveled west and began...