The Unbroken Peace Treaty

The Unbroken Peace Treaty

The young warriors of the Penateka Comanche tribe, several hundreds of them, lined up on one side of their camping ground along the San Saba River in Texas, opposite the women and children on the other. In the center of this array, the three head chiefs, Buffalo Hump,...
Riding with the Master

Riding with the Master

“The soldier, the cowboy and the rancher, the Indian, the horses and the cattle of the plains will live in his pictures and bronzes, I verily believe, for all time.” President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1907 analysis of artist Frederic Remington’s legacy has been...
Go West!

Go West!

Museums across the West continue to embrace Old West stories with exhibits on John C. Fremont, Liver Eatin’ Johnston, cattle trails and the Buffalo soldiers, but as they reach out to newer audiences, they are expanding their storylines. In our “Top Ten Museums of...