Little Joe, Boot Hill and Doc Holliday

Little Joe, Boot Hill and Doc Holliday

Are Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers really buried where the markers are placed at Tombstone’s Boothill Graveyard? James Carroll (San Antonio, Texas) Boothill Graveyard became Tombstone’s final resting place in 1878 and lasted until 1884 when the new cemetery...
Wyatt Earp at 30

Wyatt Earp at 30

Screenwriter Dan Gordon reveals the real story behind the making of the blockbuster biopic. When it comes to the events in Tombstone on October 26, 1881, if any question is more open to debate than whether the Earps or the Clantons were the villains, it is the...
Ride ‘Em Cowboy, Wagons Ho and the Old West

Ride ‘Em Cowboy, Wagons Ho and the Old West

While watching some old Westerns, I saw wagon bosses and/or military commanders call out “Forward ho!!” to get the group moving. Was that accurate? – Paul Gortarez (Phoenix, Arizona) Sure they did, or something similar. The military would use a formal term such...
Ride that Train

Ride that Train

Heritage railroads keep the Old West alive across the United States You never forget your first ride on steam-driven historic train. From Alaska to North Carolina, all across North America, heritage railroads take passengers back in time, to a simpler era, when...