Jerome, Arizona

Jerome, Arizona

  When you dig deep into Jerome’s history you find so many layers—so many stories of boom and bust, of bordellos, opium dens, gambling and bootleg liquor, labor strife and striking miners deported from town on cattle cars. At the tail end of the 19th century,...
Tucson Book Festival

Tucson Book Festival

On Saturday morning, March 9, 2024, the sun rose over Tucson, Arizona, after two days of overcast skies and rain. Fifteen years since the first Tucson Book Festival was held on the University of Arizona Mall, the book fest is one of the largest and best attended in...
Grit and Grace

Grit and Grace

Across the past 150 years of  Western American history scholarship, dozens of authors have been inspired to research and write about mining in the West, but few have written about the role of women miners and their contributions to the settlement of the West. Now,...