All Roads Lead to Chaco Canyon

All Roads Lead to Chaco Canyon

“This is the best place on the planet. If you don’t come back, there’s something wrong with you.” These words spoken by G.B. Cornucopia, a 20-year veteran U.S. Park Ranger, echo in my head as I gaze down into New Mexico’s Chaco Canyon. Desert winds tugging at my...
Bonanza Classic Revived

Bonanza Classic Revived

Bonanza is so much a part of our cultural history and our TV past that its familiarity disguises the fact that the show is genuinely odd. Of all the gun-toting lawman and loner shows that ate up the finite broadcast space of TV’s Golden Age, Bonanza drew upon standard...
Christmas on the Frontier

Christmas on the Frontier

What is it about Christmas? Be it 2009 or 1889, people who celebrate it always find a way to recognize this holiday. Whether it be cattlemen stuck on the open range in a snowstorm, fortune seekers in a mining camp or families in a hearth-warmed home on the prairie—it...
Naco Debacle

Naco Debacle

April 3, 1908 Arizona Ranger Jeff Kidder rides into Naco, Arizona, to renew his commission. Upon finding out that Capt. Harry Wheeler is chasing outlaws in the Chiricahua Mountains, Kidder crosses the border to “meet friends.” Removing his gunbelt, Kidder sticks into...