by Johnny D. Boggs | Jan 1, 2007 | Travel & Preservation
Out of work cowhands used to ride the grub line, which is pretty much what I do for a living. ’Cause I like to eat. And a body can find a whole lot of chow in the West. So the ramrods at this outfit decided to investigate and choose the 10 meals (west of the...
by | Jan 1, 2007 | Inside History
I read that an Arizona outlaw beat a check kiting charge by eating the evidence during the trial. True or false? Joshua Young Phoenix, Arizona Rufus Nephews, a.k.a. Climax Jim, was a little-known but notorious cattle rustler in Arizona’s White Mountain country. He...
by Henry Cabot Beck | Jan 1, 2007 | True Westerners
When former Sen. Fred Thompson took the floor of Congress in October 2002 and declared Sheb Wooley to be an official “American treasure,” Wooley was definitely surprised. Sheb’s widow, Linda Dotson-Wooley, says, “Sheb got a little teary-eyed. He never realized that...
by twadmin | Jan 1, 2007 | Art, Guns and Culture
Here are the winners of our “2007 Best of the West.” Sit back and see if your pick made the list. Best Living Bootmaker Paul Bond The year 2006 marked Paul Bond’s 60th year in the bootmaking business. Before that, he rodeoed in the 1930s and ’40s. Before...
by Henry Cabot Beck | Jan 1, 2007 | Western Movies
Hollywood director Fritz Lang once remarked that Cinemascope was only good for snakes and funerals. Perhaps today he would have included snakes on a plane, but at the time he could have just as easily included cattle drives, since the best thing about Raoul Walsh’s...