Oklahoma’s 101 Ranch

Oklahoma’s 101 Ranch

                  In 1879, Col. George Washington Miller with son, Joe, then age 11, rode across the Cherokee Outlet, looking for rangeland where they could run cattle. Miller, originally from Kentucky, had already...
Dude! Where’s My Ranch?

Dude! Where’s My Ranch?

Teddy Roosevelt knew what he was talking about. To appreciate properly his fine, manly qualities, the wild rough-rider of the plains should be seen in his own home. There he passes his days, there he does his life-work, there, when he meets death, he faces it as he...
From Homesteaders to Wolfers

From Homesteaders to Wolfers

For 50 years, almost nobody remembered Evelyn Cameron or what she’d done in the territorial days of early Montana. Her name wasn’t in history books or halls of fame, and her contribution to Western history was stashed, literally, in the basement of a friend....
Sports in the Wild West

Sports in the Wild West

If you mention the word “sports” in the same breath with the “Old West,” most people will give you a blank stare. Yet sports were as much a part of frontier life as the cowboy riding a fence line—even more so, since sports were there long before there was a fence line...
Hired Out for a Tough Hand

Hired Out for a Tough Hand

Jane Burnett was not even seven years old as she sat on her pony “huddled over the saddle horn, icicles hanging from the end of my nose,” positioned to turn a horse herd she had helped her daddy round up one winter morning in Montana. She knew then and there that she...