Voice for Freedom

Voice for Freedom

She was one of the guiding lights of Arizona literature, the territory’s first female office holder and she helped cinch Arizona’s statehood. But today, most know her only because of the historical museum in Prescott, Arizona, that bears her name. Sharlot Hall was a...
Train Towns

Train Towns

Many towns throughout the West owe their existence to railroads. Not many still celebrate their rail heritage. But 10 noteworthy trains are still running full steam ahead—thanks to these great towns who champion the choo-choo way of life. Two of these towns, though,...


Gritty Arizona/New Mexico borderland stories are told here in poetry. Enclosed is a haunting experience about horses, cattle, drought and winter wind.  Read about dusty arroyos, burning sun, frisky fillies, foot-loose women, lace garters, jealous lovers, rattlesnakes...
Starring the Cowboys of America

Starring the Cowboys of America

Deming, New Mexico, recently rounded up its cowboys to celebrate the rediscovery of a classic feature-length color documentary, The Cowboy, produced and directed by Elmo Williams, famed High Noon film editor. This powerful documentary depicts a lifestyle that was...
No Quarter

No Quarter

The night of October 18, 1915, was relatively normal for the passengers on board the St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railroad train—until around 10:45 p.m. It was about seven miles north of Brownsville, Texas, headed into town, when the engine suddenly derailed....