How Joe Felmer got even with some thieving Apache.

The legends say Joe Felmer was an Army scout at Camp Grant. Some pesky Apaches had been sneaking down into his pasture and stealing his mules. He was determined to get even and came up with a plan. He bought a surplus Army mule at an auction. The mule was so miserable and scarred up they’d named him Lazarus.

Sure enough the next day three Apaches ran out of the brush and jumped on Lazarus’ back. And Old Lazarus stood still.

The Apache on the rump ripped off his sash and drew it up under the mule’s tail and began sawing back and forth. Lazarus’ ears perked up and he was off and running. The last seen of Old Lazarus, he was hightailing it across the desert with three Apache holding on for dear life.

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