Four storyteller collections came out in 2010 that are deserving of mention as we embark on a new year that will hopefully be a fruitful one for...
The Frontier of Leisure
Southern California did indeed offer up a “frontier of leisure” after the U.S.-Mexican War. Yet nothing could be so antithetical to sharing this...
Old Yellowstone Days
We could not imagine anyone visiting Yellowstone National Park without first reading Paul Schullery’s book. More than 30 years ago, former park...
The Crime Buff’s Guide to Outlaw Texas
Traveling the Old West calls for the adventure in us, as many of the trails and sites are not on established roads, nor well marked or marked at...
Lost Mines & Buried Treasures of Old Wyoming
A copy of one of W.C. Jameson’s treasure hunting books—he’s written more than 60—and Google Earth is how one amateur treasure hunter in Texas found...
Apache: 1861-1880
Directed and narrated by Garry R. Hood, this documentary shares the stories of 10 Apache scouts awarded the Medal of Honor in 1875 for their role in...
Red Cloud’s War
Since first visiting Wyoming’s Fort Phil Kearny in 1986, John D. McDermott has researched the 1866-68 Bozeman Trail. Three forts on this route...
From Cochise to Geronimo
This book marks the final volume in Edwin R. Sweeney’s trilogy on the Chiricahua Apaches. He began with a biography of Cochise, whose death in 1874...
Cave Rock
This mother-and-son project documents the legal clash between Washoe Indians and Tahoe Basin climbers, many of whom the two know as friends. In...
War Party in Blue: Pawnee Scouts in the U.S. Army
On the Great Plains, warfare was virtually constant from 1850 to 1890. Yet the story of the Pawnee scouts who fought as cavalry for the U.S. Army...
The Killing of Crazy Horse
Inspired by interpreter William Garnett’s account that made the killing of Crazy Horse “seem so unnecessary,” Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist...
Sitting Bull: Prisoner of War
No one can top Robert Utley’s biography of Sitting Bull, Lance and the Shield. Yet although the master devoted a chapter to the Hunkpapa chief’s...