“I remember telling Ron once that I considered The Assassination of Jesse James as by far the best Jesse James movie ever made. He replied that he...
The Dirty Little Coward Gets His Due
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“I remember telling Ron once that I considered The Assassination of Jesse James as by far the best Jesse James movie ever made. He replied that he...
Wood Hite vs. Dick Liddil Maps & Graphics by Gus Walker. Based on the research of Dr. Sam Palmer and Dan Thrapp. December 4, 1881 James...
Dick Liddil found a new calling at the race track. Dick Liddil joined the James Gang in 1879, near the end of its run. He eventually was arrested,...
December 4, 1881 James Gang member, Dick Liddil, comes down for breakfast at the Bolton home, just east of Richmond, Missouri. He is soon joined by...