On September 27, 1864, Bloody Bill Anderson and about 80 men took over the small railroad village of Centralia, looting stores and discovering a...

On September 27, 1864, Bloody Bill Anderson and about 80 men took over the small railroad village of Centralia, looting stores and discovering a...
Killer Kids Oh, the troubled faces of these killer kids on the cover of the current issue of True West reflect the horror and madness of war. You...
A James-Younger Gang holdup has a weird ending. August 30, 1874. Frank and Jesse James and one of the Youngers rob a stage outside North Lexington,...
Outlaw Cole Younger gets out of prison. July 10, 1901. Outlaws Cole (photo) and Jim Younger are released from the Minnesota prison in Stillwater...
Pinkertons bomb the home of the James boys. January 25-26, 1875. Pinkerton agents attack a farmhouse outside Kearney, Missouri. It is owned by the...
Detectives bomb the James farm and have a p.r. nightmare. January 25-26, 1875. Pinkerton agents attack a farmhouse outside Kearney, Missouri. It is...
A woman shames members of the James-Younger Gang. August 30, 1874. Frank and Jesse James and one of the Youngers rob a stage outside North...
By the latter part of the nineteenth century train robberies had become big business among western outlaws. During one period trains were being...
The James-Younger Gang turns to train robbery. A half dozen men crouched next to the railroad tracks near Adair, Iowa, on July 21, 1873. The Rock...
As with similar stories about Old West outlaws, we hear about the banks and trains they robbed and the amounts of money they stole. Take Jesse and...
Both outlaws; both paid the price. Brothers Tom and Bud McDaniel both rode with the James-Younger Gang. Bud died after a jail break in the summer of...
Reading the pulp westerns one would conclude that the Colt revolver was the only pistol used in the Old West. Remington built a fine six-shooter and...