Marshall Trimble
Old West Jails

Old West Jails

Hollywood movie sets built their jails pretty similar. They always had a window in back because the script called for a crony to slip them a pistol...

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It Always Rains After A Dry Spell

It Always Rains After A Dry Spell

Back in 1980 future Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor, asked me to join her at the Lazy B over near the Arizona-New Mexico...

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Puffing, Chewing and Dippin’

Puffing, Chewing and Dippin’

American’s love for smoking began early in our history. Among the various types of tobacco were rope cable twist, Bull Durham in a sack, and plug...

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The Unsinkable Molly Brown

The Unsinkable Molly Brown

She was born Margaret Tobin in Hannibal, Missouri, the daughter of Irish immigrants. A restless, strong-willed adventuresome lass, the pretty...

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The Reckless Breed   

The Reckless Breed   

  A reckless breed known as mountain men left an indelible impact on western history. Reckless doesn’t accurately describe them. The reckless...

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Holbrook, Arizona

Holbrook, Arizona

Before the railroad arrived in 1881, Holbrook, located where the Rio Pureco joined the Little Colorado, was known as Horsehead Crossing. Just east...

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