Chris Graefser St. Peters, Missouri One who comes to mind is Erastus “Deaf” Smith, one of the most celebrated patriots in the Texas fight for...

Chris Graefser St. Peters, Missouri One who comes to mind is Erastus “Deaf” Smith, one of the most celebrated patriots in the Texas fight for...
Hollywood movie sets built their jails pretty similar. They always had a window in back because the script called for a crony to slip them a pistol...
It was said the voluptuous Kitty LeRoy had been to the altar twenty-seven times. That sounds like an exaggeration but one does get the idea she...
Back in 1980 future Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, Sandra Day O’Connor, asked me to join her at the Lazy B over near the Arizona-New Mexico...
Dan Bird Cornelius, Oregon Not a lot. Her first name is believed to be Maria Virginia, but her last name is lost to history. Historians do not know...
Nashville “Buckskin” Frank Leslie joined the pariahs of Tombstone’s raucous society around 1880. Although he was only 5’ 7” and weighed 135 pounds...
American’s love for smoking began early in our history. Among the various types of tobacco were rope cable twist, Bull Durham in a sack, and plug...
Dee Anne Jackson Gilbert, Arizona Some 200 million years ago, the area was a vast sea, which is why you can find seashells all over the Sonoran...
The Mexican Revolution ended in 1821 and brought about many changes in foreign policy. Up to then Spain didn’t allow her colonies to trade with the...
She was born Margaret Tobin in Hannibal, Missouri, the daughter of Irish immigrants. A restless, strong-willed adventuresome lass, the pretty...
A reckless breed known as mountain men left an indelible impact on western history. Reckless doesn’t accurately describe them. The reckless...
Before the railroad arrived in 1881, Holbrook, located where the Rio Pureco joined the Little Colorado, was known as Horsehead Crossing. Just east...